Blind Spot
Exploring the library of feelings
Music is feeling, not sound.
Sometimes you can taste it,
or smell it,
or see it.
Real music is a communication.
You can taste it,
or you can smell it,
or you can see it.
Social scientist Gregory Bateson
called Milton Erickson
“the Mozart of Communication,”
which is ironic since
Erickson was tone deaf,
and color blind,
and dyslexic.
At 17, he contracted polio,
adding to his disabilities.
And yet, Milton Erickson,
as his students and professional hypnotherapists will attest,
was the Mozart of Communication.
Blind spot.
What you see is not necessarily what you get.
We live in Plato’s Cave.
Reality awaits,
but we must first learn to
taste it,
to smell it,
to see it… to feel it.
There is no magic pill.
It takes work…
inner work,
Life is all around us.
Maybe it’s time for you and I
to begin building
our personal library of feelings
so that we can escape
Plato’s Cave.
Your choice.
“Take your hat off, Jobson,” Atlanta millionaire Ted Turner cracked as he turned over the steering of his racing yacht Tenacious to his protege, Gary Jobson, while heavy seas crashed onto the vessel and winds roared. “You got to hear the weather.”
Be tenacious.