Coin Flip Like Bees Making Honey

Jeffrey Field
1 min readAug 30, 2023


Is the bee’s waggle dance a language?
Considering that the dance
is an example of information transfer
in that the follower bees read the dance
and then fly to the food source thus
revealed via said information transfer,
the answer is obvious,
although it remains a mystery
how the surrounding bees
decode the information.

Does any of this ring a bell?
I speak my words to you,
information transfer occurs,
you decode that information,
and then what? How much of a difference
does it make whether
you read these words
in a book or on the internet,
or hear me read them to you?
Aye! Therein lies the rub.

“My soul is an enchanted boat.”
Does that make sense to you?

“Life is a highway.”
Does that make sense?

If I were dead I wouldn’t be reading this to you.
I’d be dead. Surely that makes sense.

You could be reading this…
…some where in space,
some when in time,
and think to yourself,
If only I hadn’t drank so much!
But that is not to be
unless it turns out to be true
some when some where.

Coin flip.



Jeffrey Field

It ain't what you think. Former newsman, car salesman, teacher. Everything is Thou, if you so allow it. You can find some of it at