Everything Old Is New Again
The New Order
Inspired by Chapter 27, The New Order, from THE RISE AND FALL OF THE THIRD REICH, A History of Nazi Germany, by William L. Shirer
I never wrote it down,
this blueprint in my head.
Welcome to The New Order.
What happens to an immigrant
doesn’t interest me. They are born
for low labor.
We’ve been gone too long.
The lowliest white man?
A thousand times more worthy
than ten thousand immigrants.
We come first.
A glorious future awaits you.
A future free of them.
A future for our children.
A future for our homeland.
Blood and soil.
Our women,
sturdy, yet fertile.
Baking cupcakes
for their families.
Blood and soil.
Our men,
loyal to the land.
Reaping the harvest
sowed decades past.
Blood and soil.
Our youth,
key to eternity.
We charge them a future
of economic plenty.
Measures will be taken to ensure our future.
We will watch their churches.
We will watch their movie theaters.
We will watch their schools.
We will round them up.
Camps will be built.
Children will be taken.
Watch them fall
through the cracks in the wall.
My country tis of thee,
sweet land of captivity,
of thee we sing.
Long may our land be fair
We’ll take our rightful share;
God help you if you dare,
oppose our King.
Der Dicke Donald