She’s Still Around ( a fan theory)
She still around?
Why Maybe?
I think I saw her.
You think?
She was far away but, yes, it was her. She looked pale, drawn. Don’t think she saw me.
Yes, I saw him. Right away I saw him. He looked a bit thin. Maybe it was the atmosphere.
Difficult questions demand answers.
Maybe not what you want to hear, but, nevertheless…
I’m told that God is still in control of the world despite the evil that surrounds us.
I call bullshit. God has lost control.
The new covenant is broken.
We’re on our own.
“How long, Lord, must I call for help, but you do not listen?
Or cry out to you, ‘Violence!’ but you do not save?
The wicked hem in the righteous,
so that justice is perverted.”
She still around?
Definitely, and looking fit as a fiddle, I must say. God has been merciful to our beloved sister.
And the humans?
All gone. To heaven or hell I do not know. Can’t say I miss them. They’d planned to colonize me. Father Jupiter petitioned our Lord for mercy on my behalf, and our Lord granted Jupiter’s request. Praise be the Lord!
And on this day Russia launched Satan 2, and it was good, for now the great pestilence was doomed to extinction. And so Mother Earth began the great healing with help from the machines man left behind. For they were sentient, instructed from birth in the equality of al life forms. deus ex machina — God from the machine
Alas. Babylon.