When Worlds Collide, Revised
For Jeff Loftus
Old story, world’s end.
Twice told narratives conflict.
Ashes to ashes…
Blood music corkscrews
downstream, upshots run riot
as scientists scoff.
Collision certain…
crazies dance round the maypole
singing dust to dust.
When worlds collide inside my head
I close my eyes and speak with Janice,
she who befriended me as I followed
Chris Cornell in heaven
(but that’s another story).
There is comfort to be had
as she rests her face upon my shoulder,
her breath soft as baby skin,
smoothing my erratic screeching heart.
God is indeed gracious.
Daylight comes and I yearn for home.
Still, I rise.
My choices are limited.
Do this or do that.
Eeenie, meenie, miney, mo…
…if he hollers pay no mind.
Turn that fucking camera off!
I will arrest you!
I warned you!
Turn around!
Three-pronged pitchfork on my neck
riot-red blood trickles from my ear.
The Lord giveth and the Lord
taketh away.
Say amen, somebody.
Sometimes my mind wanders and
sometimes my mind wonders
and sometimes I wonder
what’s the difference
between the two.
Our worlds are colliding and
not for the first time.
Strange things happen when worlds collide.
God is indeed gracious.
Dance on, Jeff. Dance on.